My vision for Ku-ring-gai is a culturally vibrant, sustainable community that cares for our built and natural environment.
Indu has a positive and broad vision for Council with a focus on the following areas:

Locally-informed, sustainable development
I will ensure our community grows responsibly with locally informed, well-planned development that supports housing access and affordability. I stand for:
- Fast-tracking a local vision and housing strategy to solve and negotiate for housing access, affordability and diversity
- Sustainable planning with tree cover, infrastructure and care for heritage
- Solutions that assist with certainty for residents impacted by TOD (transport-oriented development)

Stronger community connections through cultural Hubs
I will prioritise investment in cultural hubs and respond to community demand for creative connections. I want to:
- Repurpose an existing space on Marian Steet as a versatile hub
- Utilise my funding expertise to accelerate cultural development
- Activating spaces with street parties and events for residents to connect

Accelerating Solar Power and Waste Reduction
Local environmental action is critical to addressing climate-change. I will:
- Work with our community to be the best in NSW at adoption of solar power and minimising waste to landfill.
- Enable Ku-ring-gai to be a leader in local sustainability initiatives
- Focus on delivery of Council’s Zero Emissions Plan
Your Voices
We have been out and about at stations and door-knocking to ask residents what they care about and what issues they face. Thank you for your time, and here is a snapshot of what we heard.